How To Rotate A Clip In Premier Pro


“I have a video clip that was recorded sideways (couldn't be avoided. It was on a phone). I want to rotate the video 90 degrees before I make clips out of it. I googled how to do it, and most of the responses said to look under the Motion tab in Effect Controls. These were older posts for older versions of Premier Pro. In the newest version, there doesn't seem to be a Motion tab in Effect Controls. How do I rotate the video in Adobe Premier pro CC? I am new to the software, so I admit I may just be looking in the wrong spot.” –Kuro


How to Rotate a Video in Premiere Pro CC 2019 Step by Step Tutorial How to Rotate a Video in Premiere Pro Quick and Easy. Hello Designitas, if you’re trying to rotate your video, and these black things kept appearing above and below like this image here you’re in the right place. You have many ways you can do it so let me give one among many ways. What you need to know is animation(key frame) and let us begin. Drag your clip to timeline or select it if it is already in timeline 2. Head to effects control panel on your l. Start or open a project in Adobe Premiere Pro. Do so by double clicking on the purple app icon with.

If you are facing the same problem as Kuro, you are in the right place! This is a really common problem that people new to video-editing come across. But not to fear, we have a step by step guided solution for you.

In this tutorial, we will be teaching you how to rotate/flip videos in Premiere. Don’t confuse rotating with flipping videos – they are totally different things. A flipped video’s end outcome is a (horizontal or vertical) mirror image of the original footage, whereas a rotated video’s end outcome can range from a few precise degrees of reorientation to adjusting portrait footage to a landscape orientation.

  • Part 1. How to Rotate/Flip Video in Premiere?
    • 1.1. How to Rotate Video in Adobe Premiere Pro
    • 1.2. How to Flip Video in Adobe Premiere Pro
    • 1.3. Useful Tips When Flipping/Rotating Video in Premiere
  • Part 2. A Simpler and Faster Video Editor - iMyFone Filme

How to Rotate/Flip Video in Premiere?

Introducing Adobe Premiere Pro - the popular industry-leading software application for anyone looking to edit a video. From simple videos to commercials and even film and television videos, Adobe Premiere Pro is THE ultimate video editing solution for your needs.

1 How to Rotate Video in Adobe Premiere Pro

For a simple guided step to rotate videos in Adobe Premiere Pro simply follow the steps below:

Step 1.Start up Adobe Premiere Pro. Click on the File tab and select the “Import” option to load your footage into the software. Once the footage is imported, drag it to the timeline.

Step 2.Click on the specific footage clip you want to rotate such that it is highlighted – that selects it.

Step 3.Now go to “Effects Controls Panel” and make sure you check that the tab name Master [Clip Name] is selected. This will remain empty until you drag the effect over. (which is the next step)

Step 4.Once selected, go to the “Effects” Panel. Spot the search box at the top of the panel, and type in “Transform”. The Transform effect should show up and you can drag it to the empty “Effects Control Panel”. A list of controls like “Anchor Point”, “Skew” and “Rotation” should appear.

Step 5.Click into “Rotation” and simply type in your orientation of choice to rotate the video.

And there you have it, a rotated video!

2 How to Flip Video in Adobe Premiere Pro

For a simple guided step to flip videos (it is even simpler than rotating videos!) in Adobe Premiere Pro simply follow the steps below:

Step 1.Follow step 1 and 2 of “How to Rotate Video in Adobe Premier Pro”.

Step 2.Select the “Effects” panel and find the “Transform” tab that appears.


Step 3.Pick your choice of Horizontal or Vertical Flip from the menu below and drag it across to your clip! The result is instantaneous – your footage will be flipped in your chosen orientation automatically.

3 Useful Tips When Flipping/Rotating Video in Premiere

  • ① If you want to flip only a specific part of the footage instead of the whole clip, make sure you select the Razor tool (press the C key) while clicking twice - once on the beginning of the footage you want to flip and the second time at where you want the effect to end.
  • ② If you want to create a side by side mirror effect within the frame of the video, you can use the Mirror Effect (Effects > Video Effects > Distort > Mirror) to do so. Drag and drop this onto your clip and make adjustments to the Reflection Centre found in the “Effects Control” Panel. That will adjust the position of the mirror line to create this mirroring effect.
  • ③ Make sure to look out for reversed letters of numbers in a flipped or rotated video. You have two options to resolve that. Either blur out the images via the masking and tracking feature or create an inverted mask for the areas of videos that have text or numbers.

Although Adobe Premiere remains the choice of many top professionals, it has its limitations:

  • Pricing: At USD 239.88 per annum, the yearly subscription might be prohibitive for casual video editors who may be students or freelance video editors who are just starting out.
  • Complex process: While flipping and rotating videos might seem simple enough, the comprehensiveness of the Adobe Premiere software might be overwhelming for amateur video editors looking to embark on the first few projects.

And that’s where the best alternative for Adobe premiere - iMyFone Filme - comes in!

A Simpler and Faster Video Editor - iMyFone Filme

iMyFone Filme Video Editor offers Windows users a simple way to edit videos quickly and efficiently with the following convenient features:

  • Fast Video Mode: All you need is one click, and the software pulls together a slideshow for all your imported content. Just like magic!

  • Cool Effects: A whole catalogue of effects and filters are at your fingertips for you to create those splashy and vivid effects for your story.

  • Text Options: Pick and choose from a wide variety of cinematic intros, text templates and more to enhance your story telling.

  • Instant Preview: Preview your video as you create it! No need to waste time exporting it.

  • Basic Editing: Simple, intuitive process to help anyone edit videos without any technical know-how – from adjusting speed, in picture effects to rotating a video.

How to Rotate Video in iMyFone Filme

For comparison’s sake, let us take a look at the two methods on how you can easily rotate a video clip in Filme video editor:

Method 1: Simply click on the video, a panel will appear where you can adjust slider “Rotate” or simply input the number.


Method 2: Double click on the video you want to edit, and you can directly rotate it in the preview window by moving your cursor around until you are satisfied with the new orientation.

Doesn’t that sound much easier than what you just learnt in Adobe Premiere Pro?

For beginners and amateur video-editors, this is the ideal alternative to Adobe Premiere Pro!

Final Thought

Rotate Video Windows 10

We hope that you managed to solve your problem of rotating/flipping video in Adobe Premiere with our step by step guide. However, if you are looking for an easier video-editing solution, you might want to consider iMyFone Filme to help you with basic editing needs.

How To Rotate A Clip In Premiere Pro

Everyclip in the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline automatically hasthe Motion effect applied to it. You use the Motion effect to position,rotate, or scale a clip within the video frame. You can also usethe Motion effect to set the anchor point. Position, Scale, andRotation values are calculated from the anchor point, which liesat the center of the clip, by default.

Because the Position,Scale, and Rotation properties are spatial in nature, it’s best toadjust them directly in the Monitor panel.

Premiere Pro Rotate Image


How To Rotate A Clip In Premiere Pro 2019

Toanimate clips, set keyframes for Motion properties.

Adobe Premiere Clip Free Download

  1. Select the clip in the Quick view timelineor the Expert view timeline.
  2. In the Monitor panel, drag the clip (making sure notto drag a handle) to reposition it.


    To make the clip move over time, set keyframesas you manipulate the clip in the Monitor panel.

  1. Selectthe clip in the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline.
    • To scale proportionally, click the clipin the Monitor panel and drag a clip handle. Alternatively, expandthe Motion effect in the Applied Effects panel, and drag the Scaleslider.

    • To scale height and width independently, expandthe Motion effect in the Applied Effects panel, deselect ConstrainProportions, and then drag any clip handle in the Monitor panel.Alternatively, expand the Motion effect in the Applied Effects paneland drag the Scale Height and Scale Width sliders.

      note: Scalingvideo and low‑resolution images over 100% can make them look blockyor pixelated. Premiere Elements continuously rasterizesscaled EPS files to prevent pixilation.

    Applied Effects panel with the Motion effect selected, andthe Monitor panel with a clip handle selected for scaling.

Clips you import into Premiere Elements arescaled to fit the frame size of your project. If you want to usea clip at its original dimensions, do the following:

How To Rotate A Clip In Premiere Pro

  1. Select the clip in the Quick view timelineor the Expert view timeline.
  2. Expand the Motion effect in the Applied Effects panel,and do one of the following:
    • Drag the underlined value to the rightof Rotation.

    • Click Rotate Left or Rotate Right to rotate theclip 90° in either direction.

  1. Select the clip in the Quick view timelineor the Expert view timeline.
  2. Expand the Motion effect in the Applied Effects panel.
  3. Drag the anchor point sliders for the Motion effect.