Bloodroot In Tamil


Sanguinaria canadensis, most commonly referred to as bloodroot, has a rich Native American background. Its nickname, war paint, should give you some indication of its importance to the early Indian culture. The name, bloodroot, came about because of the red sap that would “bleed” from the roots of the flower. Many tribes used it as a dye for clothing, baskets, and face paint. Other parts of the flower were used to create orange and yellow dyes as well. At one point it was even imported by the French for use as a coloring agent on wool.

Bloodroot was prized for its root sap, an interesting exudate that remarkably resembles blood. The roots are made into washes, poultices, snuffs, dental powders, and escharotic salves, called red salve by Hoxsey, fixative paste by Dr. Frederic Mohs, black salve by some lay practitioners and Compound X or Indian Mud by others. Buy Top 3 Medicinal Herbs and 6000+ more gardening products online. Get 1 Free Product Today All India Delivery Lowest prices. Top 3 Medicinal Herbs, this pack contains 3 medicinally important herbs + 3 pots. Keep these plants in your garden to impart a medicinal garden look.About You get 3 medicinal plants + 3 pots in a single pack.Plants in this pack are easy to care and require low. The difference between Dicot and Monocot Root is mainly based on their Anatomical and physiological differences. Explore more about the Monocot Root and Dicot root @ BYJU’S. Bloodroot is a member of the Papaveraceae family, along with the poppy. Sanguinaria Canadensis is the sole member of its genus. Bloodroot has become a desired addition to many home gardens but as of today, the bloodroot is on the US Department of Agriculture’s list of threatened and endangered species. Tamil Meaning, பெய்குழல் வடிவான ஊழ் அல்லது வெண்ணிற. Any of numerous tropical herbs having fluted funnel-shaped flowers / A genus of solanaceous herbs with funnelform or salver-shaped corollas.

The flower is local to eastern North America and is one of the earliest wildflower blooms found in spring. While there are many more interesting facts on the horticulture of this plant, (for instance, the bloodroot relies on ants to spread its seeds) it actually has a number of natural health benefits as well.

TWEET #didyouknow Bloodroot has anti-cancer and antibiotic properties and can help with some skin conditions such as ringworm, skin tags and warts. @BaselineHealth

Bloodroot’s Anti-Cancer Properties

In fact, it is considered to have certain anti-cancer properties since it contains berberine, a substance found to fight cancer cells. In addition to laboratory tests verifying its anti-cancer potency, it has been used to treat tens of thousands of people over the last century and a half. Many of these (according to some estimates as many as 80%, which is probably greatly exaggerated) experienced remission of malignancy and longer life expectancies than people with similar conditions who chose different treatments.

Bloodroot Supports Healthy Cells

Because of its ability to support healthy cells, Jon Barron uses bloodroot in his Blood Support formula. It is currently being studied further to determine its level of effectiveness as a skin cancer treatment. While the studies may not confirm its use for this yet, bloodroot has been used for years to treat a variety of other skin conditions including ringworm, skin tags, warts, polyps, and fungal growth. Dr. Andrew Weil has recommended a powered or paste version of bloodroot for the removal of skin tags and moles.

Bloodroot as an Antibiotic

Its antibiotic properties have led to its being approved by the FDA as a toothpaste ingredient. The extract has been used to treat gingivitis and help with prevention and formation of cavities, plaque, and tartar.

More Natural Health Uses for Bloodroot

Native Americans took notice of the plant’s ability to stimulate mucous membranes and used bloodroot as a tea-based remedy for coughs and other respiratory conditions. Bloodroot can also help improve blood flow in the body and is believed to help prevent heart palpitations. In addition, a variety of other uses for bloodroot have been reported. On the WebMD website, it is reportedly being used for the following:

“Bloodroot is used to cause vomiting, empty the bowels, and reduce tooth pain. It is also used to treat croup, hoarseness (laryngitis), sore throat (pharyngitis), poor circulation in the surface blood vessels, nasal polyps, achy joints and muscles (rheumatism), warts, and fever.”

How to Take Bloodroot

Bloodroot In Toothmaul Gully

While the usage for this plant is wide, there is one caveat. A little can go a long way. According to the NYU Langone Medical Center, “In large doses, it causes nausea and vomiting, and even at lower dosages [but still larger than used by knowledgeable herbalists] it has been reported to cause peculiar side effects in some people, such as tunnel vision and pain in the feet.”

Bloodroot Tamil Name

It is widely used as a topical treatment, but since it can cause burns after long-term use when applied directly to the skin or with excessive application, it is important to start slowly to determine sensitivity when used topically.

For more on natural healing herbs, click here.

Bloodroot in tamil movie


Bloodroot is a plant which is cultivated for its medicinal properties and has been used for the centuries. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. This plant is used to treat cancer, infections and coughing. The dark red sap is found in the roots of Bloodroot which resembles blood. It is a stemless plant.

Bloodroot In Tamil Translation

Scientific NameSanguinaria Canadensis
NativeNative to Eastern North America
Common/English NameBloodroot, Indian paint, Red root, Sweet slumber, Snakebite, Coonroot, Pauson, Puccoon, Tetterwort, Bloodwort, Red puccoon, Coot root, Indian plant, Saguinaria
Name in Other LanguagesAmerica: Tetterwort
Plant Growth HabitHerbaceous, perennial
SoilLight to medium, well-drained
Plant SizeHeight: 20-50 cm (7.9-19.7 inch)
Sap Bright orange
RootThick, round; Length: 1-4 inch (2.5-10 cm)
StemSmooth, round, pale green, tinged with red, Height: 8 inches
LeafBasal, kidney shaped, Width: 2.5-8 inches (6-20 cm)
Flowering SeasonLate March-Early April
Flower8 to 12, white petals, showy, hermaphroditic; Across: 2 inches
Pod shape & sizeOblong, elongate capsule, Length: 1-2 inches (3-5 cm)
SeedRound, black to orange red, Length: 1/16th-1/8th inches (2-3 mm)
SeasonLate spring
Health Benefits
  • Prevents cancer
  • Respiratory system
  • Healthy heart
  • Applied topically
  • Treat migraine
  • Relief arthritis
Traditional uses
  • Bloodroot is used to empty the bowels, cause vomiting and lower the tooth pain.
  • It is used to treat hoarseness, croup, sore throat, nasal polyps, poor circulation, warts, rheumatism and fever.
  • Bloodroot is applied to the skin around the wounds to eradicate dead tissue and enhance healing.
  • During the mid 1800s, the extracts of bloodroot were applied to treat breast tumors.
  • In dentistry, bloodroot is used on the teeth to reduce the build-up of plaque. Plaque is a film of saliva, mucus, bacteria, and food particles that can promote gum disease.
  • Bloodroot was used by Native Americans to treat health ailments such as fevers, bronchitis and warts.
  • The rhizome was used by American Indians to treat rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, laryngyitis and lung ailments.
  • Bloodroot was used by Native Americans as a love charm, dye and medicine.
  • Bloodroot helps to cure warts, eczema, benign skin tumors and skin afflictions.
  • The internal use of this herb helps to cure ailments such as asthma, laryngitis, emphysema, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sore throats and croup.
  • Bloodroot is used in a homeopathic remedy to treat migraines.
  • The sap or infusion made from root helps to treat benign skin tumors, eczema, warts, chilblains, tumors or ringworm.
  • The dried powder is used to cure nasal polyps.
  • It is used to encourage bleeding in women, abortion and treat cramps.
  • It is used as an ingredient in toothpastes and eliminates oral bacteria.
  • The topical application of bloodroot is used to treat skin problems such as fungus, athlete’s foot, chronic eczema, venereal blisters, ringworm and rashes.
  • The salve which is made from root helps to eliminate warts and cancerous tumors.
  • Bloodroot is used as an ingredient in homeopathic remedies, cough formulas, pharmaceutical preparations and mouthwash.
  • The root is mixed with various compounds to cure heart problems, and migraines.
  • The extracts of fluid are used to treat ringworm.
  • The root is used as an anesthetic, emetic, cathartic, emmenagogue, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, febrifuge, tonic and stimulant.
  • The extract is used to treat gingivitis, plaque, cavities and tartar.
  • Blood root helps to eliminate the abnormal skin growths.
  • The tinctures are used to treat skin blemishes and moles.
  • The tea of Bloodroot assists in the peripheral blood circulation.
  • It acts as a powerful insect repellent.
  • Bloodroot helps to enhance coughing and clears mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • It is used as an emetic which helps to treat piles.
  • The side effects experienced with the bloodroot includes nausea, drowsiness, vomiting and grogginess.
  • The skin contact with the plant can cause rash.
  • It can cause irritation when it get into the eyes
  • The excessive use of Bloodroot can lead to low blood pressure, coma, shock and an eye disease which is called glaucoma.
  • Bloodroot is not sage when it is used as a mouthwash and toothpaste because it may raise the chances of white patches inside the mouth.
  • The breast feeding and pregnant women should avoid Bloodroot.
  • Bloodroot can irritate the intestinal or stomach problems such as Crohn’s disease, infections, or inflammation.
  • The internal use of Bloodroot is not recommended.
  • The overdose of Bloodroot extract can cause nausea, dizziness, intense thirst, slow heart rate, stomach burning, loss of consciousness and vomiting.
  • The topical use of Bloodroot may burn the skin or makes the skin red.
  • The red sap possesses a toxic alkaloid, sanguinarine which is able to poison nerves if used internally.
  • The mixture of Bloodroot and zinc chloride is savage and unpredictable.
  • The long use of Bloodroot may lead to glaucoma, oral cancer, edema, miscarriage, heart disease, collapse, fainting, diarrhea and vision change.
  • It is not safe to use Bloodroot internally by the children.
  • The whole bloodroot plant is poisonous.
  • One should consult the licensed healthcare professional to use Bloodroot.
  • The Bloodroot products such as tinctures, paste, salves and oils should be used after consulting with doctor.
  • It should not be applied to eyelids, genitals, etc.
  • Don’t let bloodroot get into your eyes because it can cause irritation.
Other Facts
  • The red orange juice from the roots is used as a dye for clothing war paint, basket and used to repel insects.
  • Bloodroot was used by Native Americans for spiritual, medicinal, and practical purposes.
  • Bloodroot belongs to the member of Poppy family.
  • It is considered as one of the first wildflowers which blooms in the spring, and one of the largest early flowers which is about 1.5-2 inches.
  • Flower blooms for one or two days.
  • The flowers of Bloodroot do not have nectar.
  • The seeds contain elaiosome that attracts ants.
