Aol Basic Course


Basic Training Awards. Learn about basic training awards in this US army basic training video from Howcast.

AOL course Day 1 – Expectations Reduce the Joy

  • Send written proof to AOL. An enrolled OPL company must forward written proof of training completion to AOL in order to receive OPL credit. Proof can be a training agenda, certificate, punch card, sign-in sheet, letter or other copy AOL provides forms. Verify current OPL credit status by contacting AOL.
  • .Clinical/Advanced/Masters Level Course = 14 hours total or two 7 hour days. Bachelors/Basic Level Course = one 8 hour day.The Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) is not affiliated with nor does it sponsor or endorse this ( or any ) study course materials.

Monday 6:40 PM

Now the teacher finishes his talk on ‘Present Moment is Inevitable’. We have all acknowledged this truth. No rebels. No devil’s advocates. The teacher moves on. There are still questions on what we gain out of this course. SO teacher says the second aphorism of Art of Living – ‘Expectations Reduce the Joy’. So we should not expect results. Expectations means future. We might or might not get it. We need to be in the present. Remmember first lesson – ‘Present moment is inevitable’. So no future expectation and no past worry only Present moment with the teacher in the Vyakti Vikas Kendra.

Of course these are my thoughts the teacher probably doesn’t understand all ramifications. He looks dumb enough for me. Oh me and my superiority complex.


Aol Basic Courses

This aphorism ‘Expectations Reduce the Joy’ is repeated often in the course especially when questions like the following are asked – ‘What will you teach tomorrow’, ‘Can Ravishankar heal me of my Disease’, ‘Can Sudarshan Kriya cure Cancer’ etc.